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Yoon Sang-hyun to hold nationwide tour in Japan next year

시계아이콘00분 51초 소요
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Yoon Sang-hyun to hold nationwide tour in Japan next year Korean actor and singer Yoon Sang-hyun [MGB Entertainment]

Korean actor and singer Yoon Sang-hyun will kick off a nationwide tour in Japan early next year, according to his agency MGB Entertainment.

On Tuesday, MGB announced in a press release that Yoon will tour several cities in Japan including Tokyo, Nagoya and Fukuoka in February and March of next year.

"We are looking forward to his upcoming tour in the country and it will highlight his strengths as an actor and singer," an official at his agency in Japan was quoted as saying.

Yoon became a household name in Japan after his mini concert in December 2009 and has since released several singles in the country including "Saigo No Ame" in March 2010, "Chikai" two months later, "Precious Days" in February this year and "Summer Eyes" in June.

He saw his popular rise after TV series "My Fair Lady," "Queen of Housewives" and "Secret Garden" began its air in the country.

Yoon’s DVD "MINI LIVE AND FAN MEETING 2011," released last month, made its debut in sixth place on Oricon's daily DVD/Music chart.

Yoon is currently shooting the Wednesday and Thursday primetime series "Hate to Lose" opposite top Korean actress Choi Ji-woo.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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