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[INTERVIEW] PSY: My Way, My Style - Pt. 1

시계아이콘05분 16초 소요
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[INTERVIEW] PSY: My Way, My Style - Pt. 1 PSY poses in his star-printed concert outfit before going up on the stage at "Summer Stand" held at Seoul's Jamsil Sports Complex Stadium on August 11, 2011. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

"Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew when I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt. I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way." ["My Way" by Frank Sinatra]

We all have ups and downs in life and that experience was particularly valuable for PSY, who has been on a roller coaster ride over the course of 12 years.

The artist instantly caught the eyes of 27.6 million around the world with his music video for "Gangnam Style" and chose to sing Frank Sinatra's "My Way" at last Saturday's concert as if it was a message to tell people that there is more behind his success than just a horse-riding dance.

No one knows better than him about what came before getting into the international limelight. Making a sensational debut with his debut album "PSY From The Psycho World" in 2001, the artist has gotten himself in a tight spot a few times that eventually led him to an unfortunate period of his life.

However with faith, he has maintained a solid identity as a singer-songwriter known for his comic choreographies, catchy beat, hard-hitting lyrics and mind-blowing concert shows. And like the lyrics in "My Way," PSY is now back in style with "Gangnam Style."

Before going up on the stage to entertain 30,000 audience members at Seoul's Jamsil Sports Complex on August 11, the musician talked about his philosophy of music, life and what was on his way to success.

[INTERVIEW] PSY: My Way, My Style - Pt. 1 PSY poses in front of the camera before opening his sold-out concert, "Summer Stand," held at Seoul's Jamsil Sports Complex Stadium on August 11, 2011. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

<#10_QMARK#> First of all, congratulations. It's huge. It's a huge hit not just in Korea but globally. Are you surprised?
<#10_AMARK#>Of course. Not only surprised, but shocked. I was shocked literally. When I saw the [YouTube video] hits reaching like 23 million, I was like what? What's happening here?
I don't mean that I didn't expect any response from abroad at all, but I was just thinking to make a huge hit in Korea. That was my only purpose, and that was my only need. So I didn't expect anything, nor did I prepare anything. Fortunately, I can speak English, so this is nice.

<#10_QMARK#> What do you think it attracts people globally about this song? What is it about the song?
<#10_AMARK#> First of all, I think this kind of phenomenon doesn't mean that much. Because you know, when people see something funny, something comic, something literally stupid, or whatever, when they see it, if it is funny, [they laugh at it because] it's funny, right? I think that's all for now and that's what I'm thinking right now. I don't want to expect a lot from it right now.

<#10_QMARK#> Why not?
<#10_AMARK#> Because you know, [jumping into the] overseas market is a huge thing, right? And it's a literally hard and a high-barrier for Asian musicians. Many people have tried it but they didn't make it. So I don't wanna expect that much yet. But you know, if I have a chance, I wanna show what Korean music is all about, what Korean shows are all about. That's what I wanna do, if I have a chance. But, for now, I don't wanna open up the champagne yet. People react to this song because it's funny. But the other thing, I still feel proud when I see myself in Korea. I've been in this business for 12 years now but still, when I see myself on TV here, I am saying like, 'what is happening? That's me.' That's what I feel usually. So when I see myself being mentioned in other countries where they have different cultures and languages, when I see them introducing me and my song, I'm so proud [of myself] because they're pronouncing my name and the title of my music and music video. That's really huge for me.

<#10_QMARK#> The beat and the lyrics are very addictive. For many who don't understand Korean, would you tell briefly what this song is about?
<#10_AMARK#>'Gangnam is like Beverly Hills in Korea. So what this music video is showing is a guy doesn't look like Beverly Hills, [Q: like you?] yeah, I'm saying myself. [laugh] The choreography doesn't go with Beverly Hills, and lyrics don't go with Beverly Hills, and its music video and everything else doesn't look like Beverly Hills. Yet, he's insisting that he is by saying, 'I'm Beverly Hills style,' so that's the point. It's some sort of a twist. If a handsome guy keeps saying that he's a Beverly Hills [style], people will say, 'I know you are a Beverly Hills guy, but that's not my business. But I don't look like a person who would live in Beverly Hills, and I'm keep saying 'I'm a Beverly Hills guy, Beverly Hills style,' and then they are going like, 'ohhh what is this?' I think that was the point.

[INTERVIEW] PSY: My Way, My Style - Pt. 1 PSY poses in front of the camera before opening his sold-out concert, "Summer Stand," held at Seoul's Jamsil Sports Complex Stadium on August 11, 2011. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

<#10_QMARK#>What does Gangnam mean to you?
<#10_AMARK#> I've been getting so many questions about Gangnam and I think I deserve an award from the district office. (laugh)

<#10_QMARK#> I gotta say the music video is very hilarious. How did you come up with the ideas, you see, it's so humorous.
<#10_AMARK#> Well, the point of the music video was just [showing what's] funny. Just 'fun.' Without fun, nothing else is left and the music video has no point. That was the very first point. The weather is really hot and the economy is worsening every year in Korea. As an entertainer, I really wanted to entertain people. Just entertaining people. I don't put a lot of meaning to it by stressing that I'm a musician, artist or whatever. This was just to show what having fun is all about and that's all. So I suggested the idea to the director. My idea was to show many hilarious situations, actually weird situations, such as [the first part of my music video] where I'm lying on a beach but when camera zooms out, it turns out to be a playground.

<#10_QMARK#> And you're in a public bath!
<#10_AMARK#>Actually I saw Lady Gaga's video [Poker Face]. She jumps up from the water, and when I watched it I decided to do the same thing. What Gaga had in her music video was huge water, but people see that mine's a saw sauna when the camera zooms out. That was the point.
It's like Austin Power, or Charlie Sheen's movie 'Hot Shot.'

<#10_QMARK#>It seems impossible that you put all the scenes you wanted in that four-minute-long video. Was there a scene you wanted to put in but had to cut out?
<#10_AMARK#>Quite a lot actually. We had to go around about 35 places to film these ridiculous scenes. The filming process was like shooting a blockbuster film, though the result was just utterly the opposite. (laugh) But thinking about it, music videos that are being produced these days are all similar to each other. They have flashing music video sets. I had one thing in my mind from the beginning of the shooting: 'Do not look cool or fancy.' And the result? It's awesome. I don't look cool or handsome at all.

<#10_QMARK#> The funniest part for me in this video is the fact that you keep your face so stoned face, while you are dancing the hilarious moves, what goes through your mind?
<#10_AMARK#> I wanna tell you that I've never tried to be [randomly and senselessly] funny. I've been serious all the time. I mean, really. When I'm dancing, I feel like 'oh, I'm so nice,' but people are laughing. But when my face is stoned, that means I'm very serious [what I'm doing]. I'm serious man and I approach music, dance, show, whatever, [in a very serious manner]. The things that I deliver are funny but inside my head, I'm very serious.

*This interview was held together with ABC News.

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Interviewer : Monica Suk, Lee Hye Ji hjlee@
Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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    '친한동훈' 핵심으로 꼽히는 신지호 전 국민의힘 전략기획부총장(전 국회의원)이 지난 6일 아시아경제 유튜브 채널 'AK라디오'에 출연했다. 신 전 부총장은 "한 전 대표에 대한 비호감도는 눈 녹듯 개선될 것"이라며 "중도 보수 영토전쟁에서는 한 전 대표가 제일 잘한다"며 중도 영역에서의 경쟁력을 강조했다. 윤석열 대통령이 석방된 이후 영향을 묻는 추가 질문에는 "탄핵 심판 선고 기일이 다소 늦어질 것 같다"고 답했다. 한

  • 25.03.0908:30
    경기침체에도 또 7% 늘어난 中 국방비…美 역전되나
    경기침체에도 또 7% 늘어난 中 국방비…美 역전되나

    중국이 심각한 경제 침체와 15%에 달하는 청년 실업률에도 불구하고, 올해 국방비를 지난해 대비 7.2% 증액하기로 결정했다. 이는 지난 4년간 연속해서 7% 이상 국방비를 늘려온 추세를 이어가는 것이다. 반면 미국은 올해부터 향후 5년간 매년 8%씩 국방 예산을 감축하겠다고 발표했다. 이러한 추세가 지속될 경우 2030년경에는 중국의 국방 예산이 미국을 초과할 가능성도 제기되고 있어 국제 질서에 중대한 변화를 가져올 것으로

  • 25.03.0808:30
    트럼프 "한국도 참여"하라는 '알래스카 가스관', 주목받는 이유
    트럼프 "한국도 참여"하라는 '알래스카 가스관', 주목받는 이유

    도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 두번째 임기 시작 후 처음 가진 미 의회 합동연설에서 한국과 일본이 알래스카 가스관 사업에 수조 달러를 투자할 것이라고 언급해 이목이 집중되고 있다. 해당 발언 이후 국내 증시에서는 관련 종목들이 일제히 상승세를 보이고 있다. 실제 알래스카 천연가스 개발 사업은 미국 정부가 오래전부터 추진해 왔던 프로젝트다. 1968년 알래스카 최북단 푸르도베이 지역에서 천연가스 광구가 발견된 이후

  • 25.03.0507:54
    이언주 "민주당은 중도 내지 중도 보수가 맞다"
    이언주 "민주당은 중도 내지 중도 보수가 맞다"

    이언주 더불어민주당 최고위원이 아시아경제 유튜브 채널 'AK 라디오'에 출연했다. 이 의원은 민주당 미래경제성장전략위원장과 경제상황점검단장을 맡고 있다. 지난 2월 21~27일 대한상공회의소 경제사절단과 함께 미국을 방문하고 돌아왔다. 그다음 날인 28일 오후 4시30분 서울 중구 아시아경제 스튜디오에서 1시간30분 동안 미국 현지에서 본 도널드 트럼프 2기 행정부의 움직임과 우리의 대응책 그리고 최근 정치 현안에 대해

다양한 채널에서 아시아경제를 만나보세요!
