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INFINITE's showcase "THE MISSION" set to be released in DVD in Japan

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INFINITE's showcase "THE MISSION" set to be released in DVD in Japan INFINITE at their showcase "THE MISSION" [Woollim Entertainment]

A DVD featuring seven-member boy band INFINITE's recent large-scale showcase held in Seoul will go on sale in Japan this July.

The announcement was posted on INFINITE's official Japanese website today, saying that "THE MISSION," the DVD featuring the group's showcase that went around five cities in just one day, will become available on July 11.

It will include clips from the five showcases -- which were held in Gwangju, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon and Seoul -- and their live performances of "The Chaser," "Only Tears" and "Be Mine."

The notice also noted that questions and answer sessions from the event and behind-the-scene footages are included in the upcoming release.

On May 15, the members of INFINITE rode around in a helicopter to the five cities to promote the drop of their third mini-album "INFINITIZE."

Currently, INFINITE is promoting the title track "The Chaser" on televised music programs and making appearances on variety shows.

Composed of Sung-kyu, Dong-woo, Woo-hyun, L, Sung-yeol, Hoya and Sung-jong, INFINITE made their official debut with the first studio album "First Invasion" in June, 2010.

The boys are popular with their powerful dance moves and hit songs under their belt such as "Come Back Again," "Before the Dawn (BTD)," "She's Back," "Nothing's Over," "Be Mine" and “Paradise.”

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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