Police obtain CCTV of Kang-in assault case

Boy band Super Junior member Kang-in leaves from Gangnam Police Station on September 16, 2009 after receiving investigation regarding an assault case which occured at a bar earlier in in the day. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Police on Thursday said they have secured closed circuit television footage of the assault case in which boy band Super Junior member Kang-in was involved in the previous day.Gangnam Police Station will use the video as key evidence in identifying the course of events of the brawl which took place Wednesday at a bar between Kang-in, his friend and two other customers.Police booked 24-year-old Kang-in and three others for assault later in the day after the incident took place, but have yet to confirm whether the idol group singer actually carried out violence.A customer engaged in the scuffle said he had been hit by Kang-in but the singer has denied being violent.According to police, the assault took place around 3:30 a.m. at a bar where Kang-in was drinking with a 35-year-old businessman, identified only by his last name Roh.They had started quarreling with two other men, who mistakenly took to Kang-in's table thinking it was theirs, when a passer-by, identified by his last name Park, took Kang-in's side and started hitting them.Kang-in, a vocal of the 13-member group which debuted in 2005, has made frequent appearances on TV shows. The band was a huge hit across Asia with single "Sorry Sorry" earlier this year.Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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