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B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1

시계아이콘01분 06초 소요
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B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan (left), Young-jae (second to left), Dae-hyun (center), Jong-up (second to right) and Bang Yong-guk (right) blow cake candles for their first fan club inauguration day titled "1st Baby Day," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Judging by their successful inauguration ceremony of the official fan club, K-pop boy band B.A.P is no more a rookie group.

Last Saturday, B.A.P's 4,000 'babies' [official name of B.A.P's fan club] attended the six-member group's "1st Baby Day." Despite the rainy weather, some fans had already flooded the concrete playa outside Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium, eight hours before the show time.

The crowed also featured 400 foreign fans from several countries who flew to Korea just to meet the boys in the flesh.

"B.A.P has something unique from other idol bands," a female Japanese fan, 28, who made her way from Japan's Yokohama to Seoul, revealed the reason why she is in love with the boys.

B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan (left), Jong-up (second to left), Dae-hyun (center), and Bang Yong-guk (second to right) and Zelo (right) perform at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

When Him Chan, Young-jae, Dae-hyun, Jong-up, Zelo and Bang Yong-guk finally appeared on the stage, green Matoki light sticks [B.A.P's official light stick] were rocking back and forth in a wave. The crowd's cheer turned from a shouting into keening.

B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan (left), Young-jae (second to left), Zelo (center), Dae-hyun (center), Jong-up (second to right) and Bang Yong-guk (right) cut cake to celebrate their first fan club inauguration day at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

After performing "YESSIR" and "Stop It" which are listed in their latest single album, the boys blew cake candles, celebrating their first fan club inauguration. Then they sat around in front of their fans and had a question and answer session, whimsically revealing each member's life backstage. Their answers made their fans raise the roof.

B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan (left), Banb Yong-guk (second to left), Jong-up (third to left), Young-jae (third to right), Zelo (second to right) and Dae-hyun (right) point out each other at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan sits at the stage of "1st Baby Day," during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 1 Him Chan (left), Young-jae (second to left), Dae-hyun (center), Zelo (third to right), Jong-up (second to right) and Bang Yong-guk (right) sing "Happy Birthday" for their fans at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]


Creating a party-like atmosphere for the fan club's birthday, the "Crush" singers invited two fans to the stage whose birthday was on the same day as "1st Baby Day." The boys cooed to the girls, softly singing their song "Happy Birthday."

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae Ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Photographer : Brandon Chae luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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