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B.A.P to Show off Retro Style on 1st Televised Comeback Performance Tonight

시계아이콘00분 40초 소요
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B.A.P to Show off Retro Style on 1st Televised Comeback Performance Tonight B.A.P members Jong-up (left), Dae-hyun (second to left), Bang Yong-guk (third to left), Him Chan (third to right), Young-jae (second to right) and Zelo (right) pose together before an interview with 10Asia. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Up-and-rising group B.A.P will have their first televised comeback performance for the third single tonight.

The boys are set to put on their performance of “Stop it” on KBS “Music Bank” this evening, TS Entertainment said in a statement.

Whereas the “POWER” singers exuded masculine charm in their previous albums, this time they will excite their fans with retro-style outfits, TS officials explained.

The six-member group is set to host their first official fan club inauguration ceremony with a mini-concert titled “1st BABY DAY” at Korea University's Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seoul on Saturday.

Composed of Zelo, Young-jae, Bang Yong-guk, Him Chan, Jong-up and Dae-hyun, B.A.P made their debut with the first single “WARRIOR” on January 26.


The rookie group has had a lot on plate during their short singing career, such as grabbing the No.1 spot on online music charts in Taiwan and Germany with “NO MERCY.”

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae Ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
10 아시아 Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
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