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M.I.B to release new EP album online tonight

시계아이콘00분 48초 소요
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M.I.B to release new EP album online tonight M.I.B [Jungle Entertainment]

Rising hip-hop stars M.I.B will be rushing back to the music scene with their first EP (Extended Play) album set to drop this week.

All seven tracks listed on "Illusion," M.I.B's upcoming album, are to become available online Tuesday midnight, and the record will be hitting shelves on May 31, Jungle Entertainment said through a press release this morning.

Hours before unveiling the whole album, the officials revealed that the track list includes the title song "Only Hard For Me" and "Celebrate," which is the title of their last single dropped in April.

In the teaser video posted on their YouTube channel yesterday, the boys are displaying relatively calm images of themselves compared to their previous albums' and the publicists noted that this will mark a turning point for their concept.

M.I.B, which stands for 'Most Incredible Busters,' made their debut with the self-titled album in 2011.

Consisted of 5Zic, Cream, SIMS and KangNam, M.I.B has been active here and abroad as rookie artists and also performed as opening guests of Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.i.am's party in Seoul last February.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Monica Suk monicasuk@
10 아시아 Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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