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BTOB added to lineup of 2012 Music Matters in Singapore

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BTOB added to lineup of 2012 Music Matters in Singapore BTOB [Cube Entertainment]

Boy band BTOB has been confirmed to perform at the 2012 Music Matters taking place in Singapore, joining the already impressive lineup of K-pop artists announced earlier last month.

Just two months into their debut, BTOB is getting ready to stage their first performance abroad at the festival's segment titled "Music Matters Live" being held in Clarke Quay, Singapore on May 24, the group's agency Cube Entertainment announced in a press release on Thursday.

"This is quite a meaningful event for us, because we will not only have our fans there but also people who work in the music industry. As we have many people who have been watching us even before our official debut, we'll work hard and stage one of our best performances that day," BTOB's team leader SEO EUNKWANG was quoted as saying.

At the annual festival being held between May 22 and 26, Korean musicians Tiger JK, Yoon Mi-rae, Bizzy and rookie hip-hop group M.I.B will also grace the stage on the festive's launch date.

BTOB -- formed of SEO EUNKWANG, SHIN PENIEL D., LEE CHANGSUB, LEE MINHYUK, JUNG ILHOON, YOON SUNGJAE and LIM HYUNSIC -- made their debut in March with the first mini-album "Secret (Insane)."

During the group's short music career, they already have three releases under their belt with their latest digital single "Father" rolled out on May 3.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Monica Suk monicasuk@
10 아시아 Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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