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KARA's Everyday Life to be Revealed in KBS’ Documentary

시계아이콘00분 44초 소요
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KARA's Everyday Life to be Revealed in KBS’ Documentary KARA's Kang Ji-young (left), Nicole (second to left), Park Gyu-lee (center), Han Seung-yeon (second to right) and Gu Hara (right) pose together at a press conference for their fifth mini-album "PANDORA" showcase held at the Walkerhill Hotel located in Seoul, South Korea on August 22, 2012. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

A documentary featuring KARA members' lives as the leaders of Hallyu will air on KBS next week.

KBS' new documentary show "Stargraphy" will kick off its run with the first episode on KARA under the title "2012 KARA Stargraphy" on October 2, according to DSP Media Friday.

The documentary series, which aims to unveil every move of big name Hallyu stars, has chosen the female quintet as its first guest and will show the members' daily lives and their preparation for the fifth mini-album "PANDORA."

Especially, the upcoming episode is expected to go in depth by featuring the girls' talking about the last five years of their singing career and footage of individual activities.

Composed of Gu Hara, Han Seung-yeon, Park Gyu-lee, Kang Ji-young and Nicole, KARA is currently one of the most successful Korean girl groups that has broken into the Japanese music market.

The girls have concurrently been busy promoting their latest tune “PANDORA” since the release on August 22.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae-ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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