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NU’EST joins judging panel of K-pop cover dance fest

시계아이콘01분 11초 소요
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NU’EST joins judging panel of K-pop cover dance fest Minhyun (left), Ren (second to left), JR (center), Baekho (second to right) and Aron (right) pose in the cover photo of "Action" released on July 11, 2012. [Pledis Entertainment]

Up-and-rising idol group NU'EST will act as judges for the Australia round of the ongoing 2012 K-pop Cover Dance Festival.

Their agency Pledis Entertainment said in a press release Tuesday that the five-member group will determine the best dancers amongst the contestants during the finals in Australia, which will take place in Sydney on August 24.

“We are so excited to meet a lot of fans of K-pop and actually see their passion for the genre. We will do our best to judge each contestant fairly," the members of NU'EST were quoted as saying.

Since starting out in 2011, the first edition of the K-pop Cover Dance Festival brought together a total of 1,700 teams from 64 countries.

The contestants sent in their videos of their dance covers to the music of their favorite K-pop artists and Febris erotica from Russia grabbed the first prize by covering BEAST's "Shock".

Thanks to their winning on the festival, the team became one of performers to grace the stage with other K-pop artists at the 2011 Hallyu Dream Festival, which took place at Gyeongju Citizen Stadium in the North Gyeongsang Province in October last year.

Meanwhile, four-member girl group SISTAR have been appointed the honorary ambassadors to the dance fest and served their term as judges for the Russia round for this year's competition held in Moscow on August 19.

Composed of Baekho, JR, Minhyun, Aron and Ren, NU’EST made their debut with the first single album “Face” on March 15.

Recently, the quintet released their first mini-album “Action” on July 11 and have been busy promoting the title track of the same name.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae-ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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