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M.I.B to wrap up “Only Hard For Me” activities

시계아이콘00분 38초 소요
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M.I.B to wrap up “Only Hard For Me” activities M.I.B members SIMS (left), 5Zic (second to left), KangNam (second to right) and Cream (right) posing on a rooftop for their 1st EP album "Illusion" released on May 30, 2012. [Jungle Entertainment]

After making comeback to the local music scene in May, Korean hip-hop group M.I.B will wrap up promoting their latest album this week.

Their agency Jungle Entertainment said in a press release Friday that the boys have been set to wind up their two-month activities for the first EP album, “Illusion,” released on May 30.

The boys will put on the last stage for the title track “Only Hard For Me” on SBS’ music show “Inkigayo” on August 5, according to the statement.

M.I.B made their appearance in the local music scene with the debut album “Most Incredible Busters” in 2011.

Consisted of 5Zic, Cream, SIMS and KangNam, the hip-hop group has released three studio records to date including the first single "Celebrate," in which he collaborated with hip-hop artists Tiger JK and Yoon Mi-rae.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae Ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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