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"Paradise Farm" DVD ranks atop Oricon's weekly chart

시계아이콘읽는 시간57초

"Paradise Farm" DVD ranks atop Oricon's weekly chart Poster for TV series "Paradise Farm" [SBS]

The DVD of TVXQ member Shim Changmin starrer “Paradise Farm” has placed atop Oricon’s weekly chart, according to the chart on Thursday.

On Thursday, Oricon's website showed that "Paradise Farm Full Version DVD BOX I" came in first place under the weekly drama category with 9,571 copies sold and "Paradise Farm Full Version DVD BOX II" ranked in at No. 2 after moving 9,504 copies.

The DVD version of "Paradise Farm" was released in the country on November 2 and Changmin participated in doing the Japanese-language dubbing for his character.

"Paradise Farm," which ran for two months starting January 24 on SBS, tells the story of Han Dong-joo (Changmin), a grandson of a conglomerate with a harsh yet loveable personality, who ends up living with his ex-wife named Lee Da-ji, played by Lee Yeon-hee, while developing a resort on Jeju Island.

The show is currently showing on Japan's Fuji TV while it made its premiere on Japan's Digital Adventure TV (DATV) in May.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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