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Wonder Girls to meet with Korean fans today

Pop group Wonder Girls -- who are back in Korea with a new member in tow -- will be meeting with their Korean fans this afternoon, according to their agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) on Monday.

"Wonder Girls and new member Hae Lim will be meeting with ten or so fans at the JYPE office building in Seoul this afternoon," an official at JYPE said in a phone call with Asia Economic Daily.

The official explained that the girls and fans will spend time addressing various issues including member Mimi's replacement with Hae Lim and the group's activities in the United States and Korea.

The five-member girl band -- originally composed of Sohee, Yubin, Sun, Yenny and Mimi -- made news last month when Mimi announced that she will be leaving the group to concentrate on her studies.

New member Hae Lim, who had been training under JYPE for several years, was brought in to fill Mimi's place in the group.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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