Koreeda wants to work with Song Kang-ho,Sul Kyung-gu

Japanese filmmaker Koreeda Hirokazu at a press conference for his film "Air Doll", starring Korean actress Bae Doo-na, held in Seoul on March 25, 2010 [Asia Economic Daily]

Japanese filmmaker Koreeda Hirokazu of "Air Doll" has said that he wants to shoot a movie with top Korean actors Song Kang-ho and Sul Kyung-gu. Speaking at a press conference for the film held Thursday at a CGV Multiplex in Seoul, the noted director named the two actors in reply to a question asking if there were any Korean actors that he would like to work with next, after having directed Korean actress Bae Doo-na in his recent film "Doll". "I would really like to get the chance to do a movie with Song Kang-ho and Sul Kyung-gu," responded the director.He also had only praise for his lead actress Bae, saying that she is "an actress that any Japanese director -- not only I -- wants to cast."Bae has garnered much acclaim for her acting in "Doll", being selected best actress at the 2009 Japan Academy Awards, Tokyo Sports Movie Awards and Takasaki Film Festival. "It is the first time that a foreigner has won three best actress awards at Japanese film events," explained the director. "Bae Doo-na is a truly professional actress who showed delicate acting in a foreign language." Koreeda, whose previous works include "After Life" and "Nobody Knows", gained further recognition with his latest film "Doll", which was invited to several major international film events including at Cannes, Toronto and Rotterdam.The fantasy melodrama pic is about a doll named Nozomi, played by Bae, who falls in love with a video store employee Junichi, played by Japanese actor Arata, and gradually becomes a human being. "Air Doll" opens in Korea on April 8.Cho Bum-ja anju1015@asiae.co.krEditor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

대중문화부 Cho Bum-ja anju1015@asiae.co.kr온라인뉴스부 Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.krⓒ 경제를 보는 눈, 세계를 보는 창 아시아경제
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