Super Junior member Eunhyuk recovers from influenza flu

Super Junior boy band member Eunhyuk [Asia Economic Daily]

Super Junior member Eunhyuk is back on his feet after having fallen ill with the influenza flu last week, according to his agency SM Entertainment on Friday. "Eunhyuk will resume his activities since the doctor has confirmed that he has recovered from the flu," SM told Asia Economic Daily over the phone.The 23-year-old singer had halted all scheduled events since coming down with the dreaded flu strain last Friday.The boy band member will be returning as a host for his radio show "Kiss the Radio" with fellow Super Junior member Lee Teuk and will be back as a regular on SBS' variety talk show "Steel Heart."Eunhyuk is the rapper of the boy band which made their debut in 2005. They have enjoyed a successful singing career in Korea and are also one of the most popular K-pop acts in Asia.Reporter : Park Kun-ouc : Lucia Hong<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

대중문화부 Reporter : Park Kun-ouc온라인뉴스부 Editor : Lucia Hongⓒ 경제를 보는 눈, 세계를 보는 창 아시아경제
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