4minute's Hyuna is in the international limelight with her music video that has gone viral within a very short period.
Since its release on October 22, the music video for “ICE CREAM” caught the eyes of over ten million people around the world on 4minute’s YouTube channel as of Friday morning.
The jaw-dropping record of Hyuna has tied the score set by Girls' Generation's "The Boys" and became the second Korean artist to gather such a large number of crowd in the shortest time ever.
Meanwhile, Guardian, one of the most influential news outlets in England, commented on Hyuna’s big success in the magazine’s report Wednesday, describing the artist as a Korean singer likely to follow in the footsteps of PSY's huge success.
Creating a loud buzz with her clip, Hyuna is set to reveal her first live performance of “ICE CREAM” on KBS “Music Bank” this evening.
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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae Ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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