EXO member TAO shows martial arts skills in teaser video

Still shots of TAO in EXO's teaser video [SM Entertainment]

A second teaser video of EXO-M or EXO-K member TAO has been revealed, according to his agency SM Entertainment. On Tuesday, SM announced through a press release that a new one minute 30 second video of member TAO displaying his Chinese martial arts skills with the group's song "Metal" playing in the background was uploaded onto various online outlets including EXO's official homepage, official YouTube channel, Facebook account and Weibo account today. TAO was first introduced in December of last year and SM explained that he has studied Chinese martial arts for 11 years.He will be making his debut in either EXO-K or EXO-M with the former with the letter 'K,' standing for Korea, set to start on its activities in Korea and the latter with the letter 'M,' standing for Mandarin, in the China region. So far, the two groups have revealed their prologue single "What Is Love," produced in both Korean and Chinese, which fared on online music websites upon its release on January 30. However, SM has yet to disclose any information on the date of when the group will make their debut and how they will be divided though they have unveiled pictures and videos of members KAI, CHEN, LU HAN, SE HUN, LAY, XIU MIN, Baekhyun and D.O. ※ Any copying, republication or redistribution of 10Asia's content is expressly prohibited without prior consent of 10Asia. Copyright infringement is subject to criminal and civil penalties.10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@<ⓒ즐거움의 공장 "10 아시아" (10.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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