'2012' remains atop for the third week

Current No.1 movie "2012" [Sony Pictures]

Hollywood film "2012" remained the No. 1 movie in Korea for the third consecutive week. "2012" continued its run atop the Korean box office, attracting 643,291 viewers over the weekend and a total of approximately 4.3 million viewers since its opening on November 12, according to estimates released by Korea Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday. Hollywood pic "Ninja Assassin," starring singer and actor Rain, followed in second place with 451,152 viewers over the same period. Korean film "Descendent of Hong Kil-dong," starring Lee Shi-young and Lee Beom-su came in third with 215,472 viewers over the weekend while "White Night," with Ko Soo and Son Ye-jin trailed behind with 195,379 viewers. "Christmas Carol," an animation film released on November 26, ranked at No. 5 with 120,730 viewers and a total of 135,298. Also within the top 10 were Korean movies "Cheongdam Bosal," "Wish" and "Good Morning President." Reporter: Linda Kim lindakim@asiae.co.krEditor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

온라인뉴스부 Editor: Linda Kim 기자 lindakim@asiae.co.krⓒ 경제를 보는 눈, 세계를 보는 창 아시아경제
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