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SHINee, B.A.P, Rainbow to Hold Joint Concert for High School Seniors

시계아이콘00분 40초 소요
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SHINee, B.A.P, Rainbow to Hold Joint Concert for High School Seniors SHINee members Minho (left), Onew (second to left), Taemin (center), Key (second to right) and Jonghyun (right) perform at Hong Kong Asia World-Arena in Hong Kong on October 27, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

SHINee, B.A.P, Rainbow to Hold Joint Concert for High School Seniors B.A.P members Him Chan (left), Jong-up (second to left), Bang Yong-guk (third to left), Dae-hyun (third to right), Young-jae (second to right) and Zelo (right) perform at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

SHINee, B.A.P, Rainbow to Hold Joint Concert for High School Seniors Rainbow members No Eul (left), Cho Hyun-young (second to left), Oh Seung-a (third to left), Kim Jae-kyung (center), Koh Woo-ri (third to right), Kim Ji-sook (second to right) and Jung Yoon-hye (right) pose after their show in the image uploaded on the group's official Facebook page on October 19, 2011. [[Rainbow's Facebook page]

K-pop idol bands SHINee, B.A.P and Rainbow have teamed up to celebrate test takers' completion of a long journey to this year's Sooneng, Korea's College Scholastic Ability Test.

The three groups will grace the concert, dubbed “2012 K-POP STAR SOONENG CONCERT,” which will open its curtain at Kyunghee University's Peace Palace on November 18 at 6:30 p.m. in local time, the gig’s organizer Sports Hankook said.

Hosted by B.A.P member Him Chan and Rainbow’s Ji-sook, the K-pop idols will relieve stress of examinees who went through their huge challenge in their lives on November 8, the day of Sooneng.

It is especially meaningful to the “Stop It” singers B.A.P, since the group's 19-year-old member Jong-up is also taking the exam this week.


Meanwhile, Korean hip-hop trio Clover--composed of leader Eun Ji-won, female vocal Gileme and rapper Tyfoon--is to share the stage during the two-hour long concert.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Hye Ji hjlee@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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