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2AM reveals album cover for Japanese debut single

시계아이콘읽는 시간55초

2AM reveals album cover for Japanese debut single Cover to 2AM's Japanese debut album [2AM's official Japanese website]

Korean ballad group 2AM revealed the cover to their Japanese debut single today.

The group's official Japanese website unveiled the cover to the upcoming album "Never let you go~," which will hit stores on January 11, showing the quartet donned in black winter coats.

Their debut single will feature the title track of the same name and include their remake of popular Japanese R&B singer Toshinobu Kubota's hit song "Missing."

2AM, formed of members Jo Kwon, Seulong, Changmin and Jin-woon, made their debut in 2008 with their single album "This Song." The boys have been gearing up for their official debut into the music market in Japan and recently placed at the No. 3 spot on Oricon's chart with their licensed album.

Locally, 2AM is also preparing for their annual end-of-the-year concert titled "Please, Christmas" which will take place at the Seoul Student Gymnasium in Seoul for two days starting December 24.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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