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So Ji-sub says was difficult to be romantic for new movie

시계아이콘읽는 시간01분 20초

So Ji-sub says was difficult to be romantic for new movie Actor So Ji-sub (left) and actress Han Hyo-joo (right) in the upcoming movie "Always" [Showbox]

One might presume that playing a romantic person would be easy when most of the world already sees you as one but Korean actor So Ji-sub says he found it difficult to take on such role for his new movie "Always."

So made the remark to reporters on Tuesday while talking about his character Chang Chul-min at a press conference for the upcoming movie.

"It was nice being in a romantic movie although I had a hard time getting a grasp on the right emotions to portray because recently, I'd only done productions in the action genre," So explained, while jokingly added he would like to take on a romantic comedy next.

So, who made his debut as a model in 1994, became a heartthrob throughout with the back-to-back success of romantic dramas "Something Happened in Bali" and "I'm Sorry, I Love You" in 2004 yet turned mainly to actions films and dramas starting 2008.

So added, "I had a hard time at first because I had a lot of lingering emotions left from portraying my character but I've been able to break away from Chul-min since working on my next movie."

His co-star Han Hyo-joo said that she went on a family trip to try to shake off her character Ha Jung-ah which so far, she has failed to do so. "I'm on a break so I'm still having a hard time emotionally...... I choked up a few times while watching the preview just now as well."

In “Always,” Chang Chul-min is an ex-boxer with a rough past that delivers water during the day and works as a parking lot attendee at night and he falls in love with Ha Jung-ah who gradually loses her eyesight.

"Always," helmed by famed Korean director Song Il-gon, will open the 16th annual Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) on October 6 and hit local theaters the same month.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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