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Trot singer Park Hyun-bin to debut in Japan next year

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 34초

Trot singer Park Hyun-bin to debut in Japan next year Trot singer Park Hyun-bin [DBC Holdings]

Trot singer Park Hyun-bin plans to expand his career to Japan next year, according to DBC marketing agency on Monday.

DBC’s press release announced today that Park has signed a contract with Irving Co., one of the largest K-pop management companies based in Tokyo which states Park will begin his activities in Japan starting 2011.

For Irving, this will be the first time they have been put in charge of a professional singer from Korea. The company has so far prepared a special task team composed of a producer, hair stylist, make-up artist, photographer and others to tend to Park.

Irving explained that Park will perform both Korean and Japanese style trot songs, the former that accompanies powerful beats and the latter with softer tones, and went on to express its hope to create a new splash in the Japanese Enka scene with Park's powerful singing technique combined with his good looks and young age.

The official of the company added that Park’s previous hit songs in Korea such as “Shabang Shabang” and “Ouch It’s Hot” will also be re-made into Japanese.

“I am already well-loved in Korea so I hesitated at first when I received the offer from Japan,” Park was quoted as saying in the press release. “But I realized I like the new challenge. With girls groups and other idol singers making waves in Japan, I too, would like to join the ride with Korean-style trot songs.”

Park is scheduled to begin recording his first Japanese single, due out around April next year, starting January, and plans to hold a special promotional event in February beforehand.

Park Hyun-bin, 28 is one of the top young trot singers in Korea who debuted with the single “Ppari Ppa Ppa” in 2006 .

He released six singles and two full-length albums since then, producing hit songs such as “Shabang Shabang” “Just Believe in Oppa,” “Gonddurae Manddurae” and “Ouch It’s Hot” as well as remake versions of classic trot songs by other singers in Korea.

He is currently in the middle of his first nationwide tour concert in Korea which kicked off in early October and runs till December 12.

Reporter: Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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