PSY Bags Over 220 Mln Views On YouTube Amid Horse-riding Dance Craze

PSY poses near Seoul's Han River while shooting "Gangnam Style" music video released online on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

It is just unpredictable what the K-pop sensation will do next with "Gangnam Style."As of Wednesday afternoon, PSY has racked up over 220 million views on YouTube with "Gangnam Style," which has been sweeping the world with its irresistably catchy beat and easy-to-follow choreography.The "Gangnam Style" fever does not seem to end with its ever-increasing YouTube hits and flash mob events popping up in shopping malls, campus and popular tourist sites. Last Monday, following PSY's tips for the popular dance move, "Dress classy and dance cheesy," dozens of people in West Hollywood gathered at The Grove for a flashmob event. There, he danced with TV personalities Maria Menounos and Mario Lopez for a taping of American entertainment news show "Extra."The internet-born star is certainly taking the U.S. music market by storm. Topping 18 countries' iTunes Top Songs chart, including the United States; sweeping news channels and TV shows; and planning collaborations with top American artists are happening so fast and so big that it is even hard for himself to believe."I didn't expect overseas at all. I was just thinking to make a huge hit in Korea," he said when appearing on ABC's "Nightline" on September 8. Psy is becoming one of the biggest K-Pop stars alongside top idol groups--such as Super Junior, Big Bang, 2NE1 and Girls' Generation-- by achieving worldwide recognition during the last two months.※ Any copying, republication or redistribution of 10Asia's content is expressly prohibited without prior consent of 10Asia. Copyright infringement is subject to criminal and civil penalties.10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@<ⓒ즐거움의 공장 "10 아시아" ( 무단전재 배포금지>

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