Kim Sung-su to meet with fans in Japan

Actor Kim Sung-su [N.O.A. Entertainment]

Actor Kim Sung-su will be flying to Japan today to meet with his fans in the country, according to his agency on Friday. Kim will hold fan meetings in Tokyo and Fukuoka on November 28 and 29, respectively, to celebrate first anniversary of “Team Sung Su,” his official Japanese fan club, N.O.A. Entertainment said in a press release.He will also hold an autograph session to promote DVD sales of “MY Precious Child,” a Korean TV series Kim starred in which was popular during its airing in Japan through KBS WORLD. Since his debut as a stage actor, Kim has appeared in several movies and TV series including KBS drama “Full House” starring Asian pop sensation Rain and Hallyu star Song Hye-kyo which gained Kim fame throughout Asia.Kim currently makes regular appearances on popular reality show "The Invincible Baseball Team" and cable TV fashion program "homme".Reporter : Linda Kim : Jessica Kim<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

온라인뉴스부 Reporter : Linda Kim온라인뉴스부 Editor : Jessica Kimⓒ 경제를 보는 눈, 세계를 보는 창 아시아경제
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