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KBS’ “Bridal Mask” beats off competition

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 30초

KBS’ “Bridal Mask” beats off competition Actor Joo Won donned in an white uniform poses in the official poster of KBS' Wednesday and Thursday TV series "Gaksital," which kicked off its run on May 30, 2012. [KBS]

KBS’ drama “Bridal Mask” has added one more win to its successful record on the Wednesday and Thursday primetime ratings chart.

The patriotic series drew in an average rating of 21.1 percent and scored the fifth straight win in the last week of August, according to data polled by TNmS [Total National Media Statistics] Friday.

Heading toward its grand final episode of the three-month-run next week, the Korean superhero drama has been giving out much excitement for viewers to experience a feeling of catharsis by drawing Lee Gang-to’s [played by Joo Won] thrilling revenge on Japanese Imperialists.

MBC's "Tale of Arang," which is expected to receive the baton once "Bridal Mask" ends its run, sat at No. 2 after attracting an average rating of 13.1 percent in the same time frame.

Seeing a drop of 3 percentage points from last week, the Lee Joon-gi and Shin Mina starrer has disappointed the viewers by its loosened storyline on the fifth and sixth episode.

Next and last on the chart is SBS' "For You in Full Blossoms," the least-watched primetime series for the third week, pulled in an average rating of 5.5 percent on Wednesday and Thursday.

The idol-packed teenage drama has been losing its audience and receiving criticism over the poor-structured storyline and a lack of probability in its plot, despite the production's effort to attract more young audiences with its pastel-colored romantic visual works.

In the meantime, the AGB Nielson Media Research chart showed the three series in the same order but with slightly different numbers.

While "Bridal Mask" grabbed the top seed with 20.9 percent in ratings, "Tale of Arang" and "For You in Full Blossoms" followed next, each with 12.7 and 5.2 percent during the same time frame.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Hye Ji hjlee@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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