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2NE1: "We feel we're the best when singing and dancing on stage" - Part 2

시계아이콘읽는 시간05분 17초

“Our dating ban has been reduced from five years to three years.”

2NE1: "We feel we're the best when singing and dancing on stage" - Part 2 Park Bom [YG Entertainment]

<#10_QMARK#> Cable music channel Mnet’s “2NE1 TV LIVE: WORLDWIDE” went on air starting last month. You’ve made very few appearances on variety shows but this program is already into its third season.
CL: I think I’d respond variety shows if someone asked me what I’m least confident about. It’ really so hard to talk well. And I lose confidence. So instead, we try to show ourselves in our natural state as best we can through “2NE1 TV LIVE: WORLDWIDE.” We’ve done the show since our debut so we don’t really realize where the cameras are or what we’re saying.

<#10_QMARK#> I’m sure you must’ve been determined to make your names known for the first season of the show. What mindsets do you have for it now?
CL: There was no theme from the very beginning. We’re just showing ourselves the way we are in our everyday life. We film ourselves as well and whatever is interesting makes it onto the show.
Sandara Park: It’s nice when the producers shoot us but I think we feel more at ease because we get to shoot each other. And the show is not going to just show what we do everyday but also how we prepared for “Ugly.” I’m really looking forward to this week’s episode too. I must watch it when it’s on air. (laugh)

<#10_QMARK#> You have fans overseas that are interested in your daily lives and your music, enough that “2NE1 TV LIVE: WORLDWIDE” is being shown simultaneously in several countries overseas including the U.S., Australia, Thailand and Vietnam. What do you think is the reason for this?
CL: Teddy always tells us that he hopes to make songs that will everyone can related to, rather than direct them to a certain country or people. So I think it’s because our songs and music is good.

<#10_QMARK#> Sandara Park, you’re learning to play the guitar these days. Have you succeeded at playing the F code?
Sandara Park: I’m almost there but not quite. If I do though, the first things I’d like to play is “I Don’t Care.” This code is actually the reason I haven’t been able to.

<#10_QMARK#> When you made your debut, your boss Yang Hyun-suk imposed a dating ban for five years. How many years do you have left now?
CL: He reduced it to three years for the older members.
Park Bom: So we have a year left now.
Sandara Park: No, it’s next May so we have a little less than a year left.

<#10_QMARK#> And what do you think will happen when May of next year comes around? (laugh)
Sandara Park: The problem is that even when that ban is lifted, I need a guy to date but… That’s what I’m worried about.
Park Bom: And I’m not sure that ban will be lifted for sure either.

“When in Japan, we plan to do exactly what we’ve done in Korea.”

<#10_QMARK#> You’ll be making your official debut in Japan soon. How are preparations for that coming along?
CL: To start with, we’ve all studied Japanese even before we debuted in Korea. And although we ended up delaying our March debut to September due to a regrettable incident, we had actually been a bit anxious and worried in March. It seemed like we hadn’t shown what our style of music is about to the fullest in Korea so I was worried that we might be crossing over to Japan too early. But I feel that we’re fully prepared now, in terms of mindset and every other way, after releasing this mini-album. When in Japan, we plan to do exactly what we’ve done in Korea rather than trying to do something new.

<#10_QMARK#> When is your Japan debut single coming out?
CL: The Japanese version of “I am the Best” has been released as a digital single and we’ll probably release a mini-album after our September concert. Just like we did in Korea, we plan to reveal one song at a time in the format of digital singles in Japan as well so I think we’ll get to show every song in the same way rather than select a single title track.

“We’ll show our fans from classical to deejaying at our concert.”

2NE1: "We feel we're the best when singing and dancing on stage" - Part 2 Gong Minzy [YG Entertainment]

<#10_QMARK#> You’ll be holding your first concert in Korea from August 26 to 28 and in Japan in September. The response is so great that you’ve had to add extra shows.
CL: We want to make the concerts themselves very special so there’s a lot we want to do and we’re discussing on through a lot of rehearsing and meetings. People are coming to our concert to see us, listen to our music and have fun with us so we’re preparing a concert that’ll satisfy all of that. In terms of music, we’ll be showing our fans a large variety, from classical to deejaying and we’ve prepared an event for every song. We’re making sure that people won’t be bored, from start to finish.

<#10LOGO#> You’ve received attention from the moment you debuted and are expanding on your work including debuting in Japan and working with will.i.am. How do you feel about the past two years and two years you’ve spent as a member of 2NE1?
CL: It was after a year since our debut that I realized how fast time flies. And after realizing that this moment will never come back, I’ve been telling myself that I need to try my best every moment and cherish the memories I have. I think the past two years and two months will be remembered as a time when I have many memories when I look back on it later on. And the next two years and 20 years may pass by as quickly as the past two years and two months so I’m wondering how I should spend that time.
Gong Minzy: I don’t remember everything exactly because so much has happened till now but I do think we’ve received a lot of love and interest. I’d personally like us to be loved all around the world.
Park Bom: I think I’ve lived a very busy life. When I was a trainee, all I did was sing and dance, to the point that I want to set up a tent in the rehearsing studio. So I’ve had fun. (laugh)
Sandara Park: I think that time went by really fast. And I already miss those times. The past couple of years may be considered both short and long but I’d like to do what I’ve been doing for longer than I’ve done it so far. Man, I’m not good at being serious. (laugh)

<#10_QMARK#> Then what sort of music do you want to do from now on?
CL: We go for no direction. We enjoy starting on clean slates, with nothing in mind. I think it’s fun getting to live each and everyday to the fullest by trying our hardest each and every time. If there’s a goal that we’re going for, it’s to do music that we like for as long as we can and have a lot of fun with it.

<#10_QMARK#> Last question. When do you think you’re the best?
Park Bom: When I’m singing. I think I’m the most confident then.
Gong Minzy: When I dance solo. I can’t dance like that if I don’t think that I’m the best.
CL: I actually tell myself that before I go on stage. That I’m the best and that I’ll be at my best because if I don’t, I believe that whoever looks and listens to us won’t feel that either.
Sandara Park: I’m sure everyone feels this way but I think it’s easy to feel that way when I’m on stage. I get electrifying feelings in my body when I hear our fans cheer for us so I think I’m the best during those three minutes.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Ga-on
10 아시아 Editor : Lee Ji-Hye seven@
10 아시아 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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