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PSY Party Rocks His Way at School Festivals After Spending Busiest Month

시계아이콘01분 21초 소요
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PSY Party Rocks His Way at School Festivals After Spending Busiest Month PSY looks surprised to see flashing cameras and unexpected number of reporters at a press conference held to celebrate his success in the U.S. music market with "Gangnam Style" at Seoul's Ramada Hotel in South Korea on September 25, 2012. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

Going fast and furious, PSY is still rocking it with "Gangnam Style."

The singer, who jokingly asks to be called the "international singer," may be the busiest person on earth this year by jet-setting around the world to concerts, music awards, clubs, and now, to college festivals.

His Seoul schedule for September 25 speaks volumes about exactly how much and how big the cult singer's popularity has gotten over the last three months.

Calling the moment his second prime, the Korean singer hit two college festivals on the day of his arrival in Seoul after spending the busiest three weeks of his life starring in a slew of big TV shows in the states.

The festivals were just another two of his crammed schedules last Tuesday, adding to a two-hour-long press release at 3 p.m., attended by a few hundred international reporters, and a concert hosted by a Korean firm at 5.

Having spent the last four days in Korea with young students at two university festivals per day, the strong candidate for Billboard Hot 100's No. 1 will have visited at least 10 schools by the end of September.

While it is just unpredictable where the rapper will show up next, donned in his signature bow tie and a pair of sunglasses the chubby singer will appear at a special concert hosted by a Korean portal this weekend and the 17th Busan International Film Festival [BIFF] opening in the port city of Busan next Thursday.

The 36-year-old musician who did not expect the world to go crazy for "Gangnam Style" when first releasing the tune and music video on July 15, jumped to No. 2 from No. 11 on the coveted Billboard Hot 100 Thursday.

Spectators say PSY, or Park Jae-sang, is expected to top the chart next week after holding off Maroon 5, who has spent the past two consecutive weeks at No. 1 with "One More Night."

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10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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