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Cha Seung-won cast in medical series

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 6초

Cha Seung-won cast in medical series Cha Seung-won [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Actor Cha Seung-won has decided to appear in a medical series to be produced by major production firm Taewon Entertainment.

Taewon, which created smash hit series "IRIS" and "Athena," said through a press release on Friday that Cha will play a doctor in series "The Third Hospital" (translated title).

The upcoming series, which will go into shoot once it finalizes on its cast, will be Cha's first project since MBC's smash hit TV series "The Greatest Love" that he starred in this summer.

It will also be his first time to play a doctor in the show set against the backdrop of a hospital incorporating both western and oriental medicine.

The series is also expected to be anticipated for its producer who has been set as Jin Hyuk of "Shining Inheritance" (SBS, 2009) and "City Hunter" (SBS, 2011).

The premiere date and broadcasting station for the show has yet to be announced.

Cha, 41, made his debut as a model before his first role in the 1997 SBS sitcom "New York Story" and has starred in dramas "Bodyguard (KBS, 2003)," "City Hall (SBS, 2009)" and "Athena (SBS, 2010)."

He has led a successful movie career as well with roles in "Kick the Moon (2001)," "Blood Rain" (2005), "Small Town Rivals" (2007) and "Blades of Blood" (2010).

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10 아시아 Jessica Kim jesskim@
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