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Lee Seung-gi to hold solo concert next month

Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi will hold a solo concert for the first time in three years, according to a press release on Tuesday.

The concert, titled the "2009 Lee Seung-gi Hope Concert in Seoul", will be held at Seoul's Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium on December 12 and 13.

The singer will be performing a handful of his former and current hit songs including his debut single "Because You're My Girl", "I'll Give You All", "Words That Are Hard To Say", "White Lie", "Unfinished Story" and recent hit "Like A Flower".

Lee, better known for singing ballads than doing dance moves, reportedly started training for a special dance he will perform at the concert, where all proceeds will be donated to charity.

The 22-year-old star was first discovered and trained for two years by Korea's top vocalist Lee Sun-hee. He debuted in June 2004 at the age of 17 and has since released four studio albums and two remake albums.

He also made his acting debut in 2006 in the KBS TV series "The Infamous Chil Sisters" and became a household name starring in this year's hugely successful drama "The Shining Inheritance".

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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