PSY's 'Gangnam Style' music video crosses 100 million mark on YouTube

Korean singer PSY (center) dances on the set of his music video "Gangnam Style," which was released on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Korean singer PSY's music video for his global hit song "Gangnam Style" has raked in over 100 million views on YouTube. Becoming the first K-pop video and artist to achieve such a feat, PSY has scored 102,355,751 views with "Gangnam Style" in just 51 days of becoming available for streaming online, according to PSY's official YouTube channel showed Wednesday morning.Upon hearing the news, PSY turned to his official Twitter account and left a message on Tuesday saying, "Over 100 million hits on YouTube. Kya~~ #GangnamStyle100Million views@YouTube Thank you, everyone!!!!! Thx. everybody!!!!!"Causing a worldwide syndrome of "Gangnam Style," PSY's catchy tune and horseback-riding choreography have caught the eyes and ears of music lovers since its release on July 15. Meanwhile, PSY will be making his appearance at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards (VMA) set to take place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on September 6 (September 7 KST). ※ Any copying, republication or redistribution of 10Asia's content is expressly prohibited without prior consent of 10Asia. Copyright infringement is subject to criminal and civil penalties.10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@<ⓒ즐거움의 공장 "10 아시아" ( 무단전재 배포금지>

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