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Super Junior Heechul, TRAX Jungmo to form project group

시계아이콘읽는 시간54초

Super Junior Heechul, TRAX Jungmo to form project group Image of Heechul and Jungmo's project group M&D [SM Entertainment]

Super Junior’s Heechul and TRAX’s Jungmo have come together to form a project group, according to a press release from their agency SM Entertainment.

On Tuesday, SM announced that Heechul and Jungmo have formed A duo named M&D (abbreviation of Midnight & Dawn) which will release a digital single titled “Close ur Mouth Song” set to become available on various online music websites tomorrow.

"Close ur Mouth Song," with its lyrics written by Heechul and composed by Jungmo, tells of a popular guy who breaks up with his girlfriend.

Heechul started out in the entertainment business with a role in KBS' teenage drama "Sharp 2" in 2005 and then began his singing career as one of the members his popular boy band which has remained one of the most popular K-pop acts in Asia.

Jungmo made his debut in 2004 as the lead guitarist in group TRAX with their single album "Paradox." TRAX had released several hit songs such as "First Rain," "Let You Go" and "Oh! My Goddess."

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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