KARA to be turned into artwork, exhibition set for Dec

Artwork of girl group KARA which will be featured at painters Won Jong-shin and Park Ki-ill's upcoming exhibition set for December. [DSP Media]

Famed Korean painters will turn K-pop female idols KARA into artwork, according to their agency DSP Media Thursday. DSP said that prominent realist painters Won Jong-shin and Park Ki-ill have launched a project to create art posters featuring the members of KARA. Both artists will display their artwork of KARA at their exhibition at the TV12 gallery sometime in December, while the pieces will be part of their limited collection and will also be for sale. Won is a realist painter that will use a mixed media method of photographs and painting techniques for his piece and Park will use his own realist methods to draw the girls. DSP explained that the pair launched the project in order to spread the general idea of art and that many people can enjoy another type of culture. "The mass public will be introduced to various forms of pop culture through this exhibition which feature their favorite stars." In the meantime, KARA will make their comeback to the local music scene with their fifth mini-album "PANDORA," which will be released on August 22. ※ Any copying, republication or redistribution of 10Asia's content is expressly prohibited without prior consent of 10Asia. Copyright infringement is subject to criminal and civil penalties.10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@<ⓒ즐거움의 공장 "10 아시아" (10.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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