Wonder Girls return to Korea today

Wonder Girls members Yenny, Sohee, Sun, Yubin and Lim [JYP Entertainment]

Korean pop sensation Wonder Girls have returned to Korea today promote their new album in the country, according to the girls' agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) on Monday."The girls arrived in Korea at 5 a.m. at Incheon International Airport. They were welcomed by 2AM's Jo Kwon and 2PM's Taecyeon because they will be taking part in a shoot for variety program 'Family Outing Season 2,'" a spokesperson from JYPE told Asia Economic Daily over the phone. The quintet are also scheduled to guest star in several other variety programs including "1 Night 2 Days" and "Win Win" to promote their latest album "2 Different Tears." They are considering making appearances on televised music programs as well. The official added that the Wonder Girls will be in the country for about two weeks and fly back to the United States to begin preparing for their solo tour set to begin on June 4.Over the weekend, the girls held a launching party for their new album released globally on May 16 (Korea time) which marks their full-scale debut into the U.S. market.Wonder Girls, composed of Sohee, Yubin, Sun, Yenny and Lim, considered one of the successful pop groups in Korea. They have several hit singles under their belts including "Tell Me," "So Hot," and "Nobody." Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

온라인뉴스부 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@온라인뉴스부 Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@ⓒ 경제를 보는 눈, 세계를 보는 창 아시아경제
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