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Britney Spears jumps into “Gangnam Style” syndrome

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 37초

Britney Spears jumps into “Gangnam Style” syndrome Britney Spears shows off her grace in her 2011 full-length album "Femme Fatal," rolled out on March 25, 2011. [Sony Entertainment]

Britney Spears jumps into “Gangnam Style” syndrome PSY smiles at the camera during his exclusive concert "Summer Stand," opened at Seoul's Jamsil Sports Complex on August 11, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Global pop icon Britney Spears has joined PSY’s “Gangnam Style” sensation along with other Hollywood big names.

The “Toxic” singer confessed her favor in the viral video by writing, “I am LOVING this video - so fun! Thinking that I should possibly learn the choreography. Anybody wanna teach me?! haha,” on her official Twitter account Wednesday at 4:30 a.m. KST.

The witty post is attached with a YouTube link to the clip and has been retweeted over 2,500 times by her followers, which reaches nearly 20 millions, on Wednesday at 4 p.m. KST.

Other global pop stars, such as singers Josh Groban, Robbie Williams, Katy Perry and hip-hop musician T-pain had already suggested their followers to view PSY's music video adding its YouTube link on their official Twitter accounts.

While the famed video is heading to reach a jaw-dropping number of 70 million views on YouTube, the tune itself has been built its own record by sitting at the 44th place on iTunes Songs Chart for August 28 and 30 at 4 p.m. KST.

This is the highest record of all time for a Korean singer on the chart.

Britney Spears, who used to be the queen of teen-pop with her hit tunes like "...Baby One More Time" and "Oops!... I Did It Again," has built solid music resume during the15 years of her singing career.

The mother-of-two recently joined the judging panel of FOX’s famous audition program "THE X FACTOR 2" starting this fall, and collaborated with hip-hop guru will.i.am, according to her Twitter post Tuesday.

PSY, whose Korean name is Park Jae-sang, broke into the music scene with his first studio album "Psy From the Psycho World" in 2001. He has since produced a slew of hit songs such as "Bird," "Champion" and "Celebrity."

The singer is set to visit the United States again to seal the deal with Hollywood-based agencies he was in negotiation with this month, his manager said in a press release Tuesday.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Hye Ji hjlee@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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