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[INTERVIEW] Project group M&D - Part 3

시계아이콘읽는 시간5분 49초

[INTERVIEW] Project group M&D - Part 3 Project group M&D member Heechul [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

<#10LOGO#> Composing may be an art for you Jungmo but making sound must be science.
: That suits me so well -- making the music freely and then working meticulously on each and every detail.

<#10LOGO#> Is that why you have a keen interest in the tone of sounds? When you played the guitar for Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" on television late last year, it seemed like you played guitarist Brian May's tone with a more agile angle.
: It's important to go with a single tone that you think suits you the best but I want to play various tones. If I have to play "Bohemian Rhapsody," I want to do so after creating a tone that befits me. For example, the Les Paul (guitar brand) isn't usually used for playing "Bohemian Rhapsody" but I used it on purpose.

<#10LOGO#> Well that's something you won't be able to perfect in just a day or two -- it must be a long-term project. (laugh)
: It's not like I'm going to stop doing music after ten years so if it takes me ten years, I'll do it for ten years.

<#10LOGO#> Jungmo, you focus solely on music so you'll stay on that path even if you leave your current agency but Heechul, you pursue your activities within the boundaries of being an idol singer. Aren't you worried about what you'd do when you're no longer an idol singer?
: I talk about that with the members of Super Junior. And we say that we should try to last as long as we can. For the longest possible time. That's why we signed with SM again. And of course, I won't use the word 'forever.' You don't know what could happen so I may leave my agency when my contract ends. Honestly, I'll have to think about that then. I'm someone who dreams of tonight, not the future.
Jungmo: That's right. Today's 'night.' (laugh)
Heechul: Hey, it would've sounded really cool if you hadn't emphasized that!
Jungmo: That's why habits are scary. (laugh) You said it in a cool way but you said you were thinking of tonight so... (laugh)

<#10LOGO#> Well it may seem like you live your life however you want to but on the other hand, you're very realistic. Because you know it won't last forever. And hence, you think of today night everyday. (laugh)
: Incidents occur at night! That's why I need to think hard and well about what happens tonight. (laugh) I don't dream big dreams. If M&D lasts long, it's what I want to do but I know that realistically speaking, it won't be able to be what I focus on. Jungmo can do M&D because he has TRAX and I too, can have fun with this regardless of whether we place at No. 200 or 300 on music charts because I have Super Junior and my careers as an emcee and actor. If M&D became our main career, money would be at the center of our focus and that would drive us two apart. We're already doing well. Our song has jumped from No. 500 or 600 to No. 400. The songs from "Infinite Challenge" may rise a single slot from No. 2 to 1 but we go up 100 slots at a time! (laugh)

<#10LOGO#> Well it looks like you two should maintain M&D. (laugh)
: I tend not to listen when I'm forced to do something while I'll try harder and be more careful if I'm trusted and loved. And since Mr. Lee Soo-man knows this about me and hence, tries to let me do what I want, I don't want to let him down when he's put so much faith in me. That's why he has also told us to continue our activities as M&D but I don't think I'll be able to let myself do it if we don't do well. Yes, I'm threatening our fans to help us out. (laugh) I heard that "Close Ur Mouth" ranked ninth in Taiwan when it's 400th in Korea. (laugh)

[INTERVIEW] Project group M&D - Part 3 Project group M&D member Jungmo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

<#10LOGO#> "BONAMANA" has been No. 1 in Taiwan for over 50 weeks. (laugh)
: But I'm not going to mention M&D while pursuing my activities as Super Junior and I try not to mention Super Junior while pursuing my activities as M&D. I don't want to draw attention to M&D that some people don't even know of by talking about Super Junior. It's related to the faith I have in the members of Super Junior and our fans and if I spoke about M&D while I'm with Super Junior, that would just be nonsensical of me.
Jungmo: I too am worried that people will ask a lot about M&D when TRAX's album comes out in August.
Heechul: So even with dating women, I shouldn't be in one while promoting M&D so that I can write lyrics, then break up with her when promoting Super Junior and get back with her when I go back to promoting M&D. Does me having these thoughts mean that I have no intention of dating someone? But I'm thinking of lyrics every day of the year so I'm going to try to be in love everyday. (laugh)

<#10LOGO#> While thinking of tonight. (laugh)
: That's why I said we should make a club tune. (laugh) And that I'd be able to write the lyrics in five minutes for that!
Jungmo: I'm not good at making club music because I've done rock and I don't go clubbing. That's why I'm looking forward to performing on stage of the Jisan Valley Rock Festival with Beat Burger. We'll be creating remixes with rock and there are ideas we came up with while practicing with those songs. And there are no rules ot music so I'm personally looking forward to my life pattern changing after performing at Jisan.
Heechul: We have no choice then. We really don't like clubbing and women but let's go clubbing and meet women for the music and future of M&D. (laugh) I'm just joking but I really don't want to be 100 percent a celebrity but just half a celebrity who lives his life doing everything he wants to do. Isn't that a great quote? I don't dream of the far future. I only dream of the dream I have tonight! (laugh)
Jungmo: And emphasize 'night' in bold. (laugh)

<#10LOGO#> What sort of celebrity do you want to become Jungmo?
: The best sub. Even when I watch performances, I've been curious of the people who create the music at the back of the stage, not the person who's in the spotlight and on the camera.

<#10LOGO#> Well you are two completely different people who have been at the same agency for ten years. And it somehow seems like your relationship isn't just about two artists being at the same agency.
: Super Junior has been through everything. We've been criticized, we've had bad things happen to us and sometimes, nobody shows interest in us in Korea even though we've been working hard overseas. Honestly, we even went to the point where the public was not interested in us. And this only made us bond better so news like one of us dating someone is not an issue now. (laugh) I trusted in Mr. Lee Soo-man at first, that helped me gradually gain more good people around me and that... I'm bad at saying these things because it makes me cringe but I think the people at my agency are at least... like family. It's making me cringe! (laugh)

<#10LOGO#> So will this family-like M&D stay together?
: We'd like to release a heartwarming ballad this winter and I hope that does well. That way I'll have some sort of justification for keeping M&D together. And I'd definitely like to release a full-length album before I go away for two years. I'd also like to hold a concert -- I don't care where it is. If that happens, I'll be achieving my musical dreams in ten years since dreaming of them.
Jungmo: But I want TRAX to release a full-length album first. (laugh) We haven't been able to release a full-length album for the past three or four years so I have no intentions of seeing M&D's full-length release come out first.
Heechul: Then it looks like we'll have a change in the members of our group. (laugh)
Jungmo: It seems like there are plenty of good lyricists these days. (laugh)
Heechul: But M&D will not disband. (laugh) We'll just have long breaks, which could last 50 years or 100 years, but we will not disband. Man, isn't what I just said cool? (laugh) M&D will not disband. They will only go on long breaks.

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Editor in Chief : Kang Myeong-Seok two@
Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
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