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GD&T.O.P to re-release album with new cover

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분

GD&T.O.P to re-release album with new cover Current cover to GD&T.O.P's 1st full-length release [YG Entertainment]

Idol group Big Bang's duo unit GD&T.O.P (G-Dragon and T.O.P) will re-release their first album next month with a new cover, according to the boys' agency YG Entertainment on Thursday.

A notice uploaded onto YG's official website late on Wednesday said the decision came after Playboy Enterprises International, Inc. requested YG not to use the logo in the shape of bunny's ears on the cover of the duo's first full-length album released in December of last year.

Through interviews, GD&T.O.P had said that the logo, which they designed based on Playboy's logo, represented the year of the Rabbit under the lunar calendar and the sign 'V' for victory.

"However we had not received permission to use the bunny logo which Playboy holds the copyright to and the album is unrelated to Playboy's business," YG said, adding that they will not use the bunny logo anymore and stop selling albums with the logo.

The album, a collaboration by the two members of the highly popular quintet Big Bang, was a hit upon its release last year, topping a number of music charts with its tracks including "HIGH HIGH," "OH YEAH," and "KNOCK OUT."

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Jessica Kim jesskim@
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