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Ji Jin-hee to visit Hong Kong to promote "Dong Yi"

시계아이콘읽는 시간57초

Ji Jin-hee to visit Hong Kong to promote "Dong Yi" Actor Ji Jin-hee [N.O.A Entertainment]

Korean actor Ji Jin-hee will visit Hong Kong over the weekend to promote historical drama "Dong Yi - Jewel in the Crown," according to his agency N.O.A. Entertainment on Friday.

N.O.A. announced in a press release that the actor and his co-star Han Hyo-joo from the series will visit Hong Kong from December 11 to 13 to promote “Dong Yi,” a 60-part historical drama which has gone on air during the prime time slot of cable channel i-CABLE starting mid-November.

During his three-day stay, Ji will hold a fan meeting in the country as well as attend an awards ceremony for Hong Kong cable channels and carry out interviews with various media outlets.

Just last month, Ji had visited Taiwan to promote the same series where plays a funny and romantic King Sook-jong who comes to love and protect a young palace maid named Dong-Yi played by actress Han Hyo-joo. The show ran in Korea from March to October this year.

After rising to fame with smash-hit drama "Jewel in the Palace," Ji, 38, has since starred in other dramas including “Miss Kim’s adventures in Making a Million (2004),” “Spotlight (2008),” “The Man Who Can't Get Married (2009)," and films “The Old Garden (2007),” “Bewitching Attraction (2006)” “Soo (20070” and “Parallel Life (2009).”

Jessica Kim jesskim@
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