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miss A to release new album next week

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 9초

miss A to release new album next week Image captured from miss A's teaser video [JYP Entertainment]

Korean girl group miss A will be making a comeback to the music scene with a new single set for release next week, according to agency JYP Entertainment on Monday.

A PR official at JYPE told 10Asia over the phone that "Step Up," the name of the girls' second single album, will be released on September 27, the date stated at the end of their teaser video released earlier in the day.

JYPE had posted the video, a 20-second clip showing the girls in their new styles for the upcoming second single, on miss A's official YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/missa on Monday morning.

Two teaser images released late last week had disclosed the girls' new bright and bold outfits while hiding their faces.

But the video revealed today revealed how the members' looks had changed from head to toe from when they promoted their last single "Bad Girl Good Girl"; Jia's hair changed from hot pink to a light blond, Suzy's hair from straight to Niagara style, Fei's hair from shoulder-length to long reggae and Min wore colorful eye make-up instead of smoky make-up.

The four-member group, composed of Korean members Min and Suzy, and Chinese members Fei and Jia, had been on a break since promoting their debut single "Bad Girl Good Girl" for about a month in July.

Armed with strong vocals and dancing skills, they had stormed into the music scene at the time, sweeping music charts of web-based providers and televised programs for up to a month, a rare feat for a newcomer group to achieve in the rapidly changing Korean music environment.

Jessica Kim jesskim@
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