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Song Seung-heon to make small screen comeback this year

Korean actor Song Seung-heon will be making a comeback to the small screen in an upcoming television drama tentatively titled "My Princess," according to his agency Storm S Company on Thursday.

An official at Storm S said in a phone call with Asia Economic Daily today that the actor has been cast in the new series, written by noted television writer Kim Eun-sook who previously penned "Lovers in Paris" (SBS, 2004) and "On Air" (SBS, 2008).

"Casting for the drama will wrap up soon and go into shoot starting August," the official explained, adding that a director and broadcaster for the show has not been decided as of yet.

The actor is said to have expressed his anticipation for the show, remarking that he is "looking forward to this series because I'll get to show a different type of soft-guy image."

Song, 33, rose to stardom after appearing in the popular sitcom "Three Guys and Three Girls" (MBC, 1996) and has since starred in many television dramas and films including the smash hits "Autumn Tale" (KBS2, 2000), "Summer Scent" (KBS2, 2003) and "East of Eden" (MBC, 2008).

Considered one of the original heartthrobs in Korean show business, he has also appeared in several films, most notably the romantic comedy pic "He Was Cool" in 2004.

"Princess" is reportedly aiming to go on air in the second half of 2010.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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