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Allure magazine reveals Rain's ninja-perfect body

Korean entertainer Rain talked about his body and new film "Ninja Assassin" in an exclusive interview and photoshoot with fashion magazine Allure Korea while in Hollywood, according to a press release on Friday.

The actor shows off his muscular body in the photos, which were shot in a studio in Hollywood when he was in tip-top shape right after the filming of "Ninja", which opened in theaters worldwide yesterday.

Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, had undergone rigorous martial arts training and workout sessions for months to prepare for his role as a ninja who plots revenge on his former crime organization. He was said to have had zero percent body fat while in shoot.

The martial arts director for "Ninja" highly praised the star, saying, "In martial arts movies, the body of the main character is just as important as the action. Rain endured the tough training and went through amazing changes."

Rain's interview and photoshoot will be featured in the December issue of Allure Korea and also available on the website (www.allurekorea.com).

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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