BIFF 2011│Jang Keun-suk & Logan Lerman speak movies, music and fashion

From left, Hollywood actor Logan Lerman and Korean actor Jang Keun-suk take part in an Open Talk session for the 16th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) held in Busan, South Korea on October 9, 2011. [BIFF]

Korean actor Jang Keun-suk and Hollywood actor Logan Lerman both started their careers as child actors. But that was the only similarity between the two stars, still young. An Open Talk session on Sunday for the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) held in South Korea's second-largest city of Busan, revealed that the two differed from each other from their taste in music to sense in fashion to favorite actors. Below are excerpts from the session attended by Jang who was at BIFF to promote his film "You Are My Pet" and Lerman to promote "The Three Musketeers 3D."Q: Let's start with your remarks on coming to this year's Busan International Film Festival (BIFF).Logan Lerman: This is an incredible experience for me. I've been so fortunate to travel to such an amazing place and I've never spoken to an audience this big before so it's a little overwhelming but I really appreciate it because everybody's been so warm to me.Jang Keun-suk: Hello Busan! This is my first time at the Busan International Film Festival. I'd really wanted to come here with my movie but I waited till I got to this year with "You Are My Pet." I'm happy to get to meet such enthusiastic fans in such a dynamic city and I've gotten to make a new friend through this event so I'm thinking I'll go from being the 'prince of Asia' to 'prince of the world.' [laugh] What? You don't think I'd be able to make it to Hollywood? [Turns to Lerman] Save me, save me. Take me to Hollywood!Lerman: Please come. Jang: Yeah?Lerman: Come to the States, we should work together.Jang: Really? Yeah? Okay bro. Deal!Q: What did you want to gain as actors through your latest movies?Jang: I had actually never given my all to a project before but I was able to do so for "You Are My Pet" because the character I got to play was very similar to my actual self. I also decided that I should play such a role before I get any older. [laugh] Male actors usually want to play characters that are macho through genres like noir or action but I became the 'prince of Asia' through TV series "He's Beautiful," right? [Laughs. Crowd screams.] If not, whatever! But I think it's the genres with comedy and romance that help an actor become familiar with the public. I'm also trying my best to come up with opportunities to make Korea known to all of Asia.Lerman: "The Three Musketeers 3D" is a story I've grown up with and that I've been in love with my whole life. But it's been made so many times that I think we wanted to make this one bigger and better in 3D. So it starts with the three weaponry experts who are like the James Bonds of their time and there are more gadgets and fun things to see. But on top of that we shot with the same 3D system that they shot "Avatar" so it's an experience that I was really excited about and attracted me towards filming the movie.Jang: I have a 3D TV at home so I'll buy your DVD.Lerman: Thank you.Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages to starting your careers as child actors?Lerman: I was always pretty sheltered from the publicity side of the business. I'd shoot a couple of months a year and go back to school so I was normal as a child because I had great parents that sheltered me that way. But I just had a passion for filmmaking, I've loved making moves, so somehow this hobby has just worked out for me and turned into a profession so I'm very lucky.Jang: There are no rules or systems for how long child actors should work or go to school so I had always worked from one morning tll the next and gone straight to school after that. I even had to go to shoots while missing school. So I'd like to establish a law on this for future child actors. I'd like to help them gain their freedom.

Hollywood actor Logan Lerman and Korean actor Jang Keun-suk take part in an Open Talk session for the 16th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) held in Busan, South Korea on October 9, 2011. [BIFF]

Q: Who are your favorite actors?Jang: Amongst Japanese actors I like Ken Watanabe and amongst Hollywood actors I like Leonardo DiCaprio. People regard DiCaprio a good-looking actor, which could be a drawback for an actor, but he is someone who has overcome that so well. He also has a great mindset because he knows that one's acting skill is most important.Lerman: I always had appreciation for filmmakers. They've always inspired me the most. I've also been a fan of Korean filmmakers, my favorite being Park Chan-wook. "Old Boy" really inspired me. And I have a great appreciation for actors who tend to consistently choose to portray diverse characters and continue challenge themselves but also work with the filmmakers I appreciate.Jang: I think I heard your favorite is Martin Scorcese?Lerman: Oh yes, he's one of my favorites.Jang: Yes my favorite too! And Stanley Kubrick?Lerman: Of course! He's my first love. I love him. He's one of the best filmmakers ever. Q: I think music is always very important for young actors. What meaning does music have for you two? How important is it?Jang: I may not be a good singer nor a good player but music accounts for a very large part of my life. And listening to music is like scaling your emotions because in the morning, we open our eyes but our emotions aren't awake yet. We may wake up and habitually, move about, taking a shower and such but our minds are still asleep. So I think music is the medium that wakes it up the most naturally. That's why I start my day with classical music. And if my mind still won't wake up, I listen to shuffle music! [laugh] By the way, did anyone see me play the guitar by the beach last night? I made 150,800 won! It wasn't planned but I played my guitar while singing for about an hour. I think music is what brings music together. I also have great faith in Korean content so I'm going to give Lerman a USB later on which contains all the Korean music that I like... My songs. Only my songs! [Isn't that a biased selection?] Well there are many great singers in Korea but... I want to go to Hollywood! Help me! [laugh]Lerman: When it comes to movies, the composer is incredibly important. I've fallen in love with music through composition and film mainly because it sets the tone of the movie and it complements the mood of the film. There are some incredible composers out there such as Jon Brion and Thomas Newman. And when I prepare for a movie or role, I like to compose my own score for my character or for the tone of the movie so that whenever I'm on set where things take a long time and moods change, it really helps you find the tone of the movie and maintain it throughout the filming process.Q: It seems like the two of you have different stances on fashion. What are your thoughts on presenting yourself visually?Lerman: We definitely are people who express ourselves. And I grab or take certain things but I can't say that I have a way of describing my own fashion. [So you don't really care how you dress?] No.Jang: As for me, I love clothes and wearing different things. I hate being the same as others so I have to have my own thing and the first way to show that is through fashion. A rule that I always stick to when acting though is that I give up on dressing well as much as I can because I'm no longer Jang Keun-suk in the projects but my character and someone in the project's story. So when I work on a new project I met with the director in advance, then come up with the best wardrobe for my character with my stylist, and make final decisions on them with the director. A funny thing is that just last night, I was walking around by myself when some high school students recognized me and started chasing after me. Then I later saw on Twitter that one of them had written, "I saw some begger walking by and it was Jang Keun-suk." [laugh] That's why I decided that it's important to dress well all the time.Jang: This is a question one of our fans asked today and I'd really like to ask this of Lerman - have you considered becoming a director yourself?Lerman: Definitely. I love filmmaking. I love the directors out there who are able to dictate their vision from their imagination onto the screen so clearly in incredible, immense ways. Jang: Well I'll be shooting my first short film this year. I'm majoring in film in college as well so I've written about 13 scripts till now but I decided I should go try making them before it's too late. I'm also working on a 40-minute long medium-length film for next year and I'll be releasing an album in the China region for which I'll shoot the music video myself too. I don't know what I'm good at yet but I always think it's good to make attempts.※ Any copying, republication or redistribution of 10Asia's content is expressly prohibited without prior consent of 10Asia. Copyright infringement is subject to criminal and civil penalties.10 아시아 Jessica Kim jesskim@<ⓒ즐거움의 공장 "10 아시아" ( 무단전재 배포금지>

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