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KBS' "Dream High" honored with win at Rose d'Or Awards

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 3초

KBS' "Dream High" honored with win at Rose d'Or Awards Poster for "Dream High" [KBS]

KBS' popular teenage drama "Dream High" was honored with a win at the global entertainment television festival, Rose d'Or Awards.

It was announced on the official Rose d'Or website on Friday that "Dream High" won the golden rose under the youth category during the ceremony which took place at Lucerne, Switzerland on May 10.

"Dream High" has become the first Korean production to ever win under this category and beat out United Kingdom's "Kindle Entertainment" and Germany's "You're Not a Werewolf."

Founded in 1961, the Rose d'Or awards programs for their originality, quality and creativity for programs selected from all over the world including Australia, Belgium, Germany, Canada, the United States and Asia.

The teenage drama's first season tells the story of high school students in a performing arts school, which aims to cultivate future celebrities.

The show, which ran for two months in January of last year, starred Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun, miss A's Bae Suzy, T-ara's Ham Eun-jung, songstress IU and 2PM's Ok Taecyeon and Jang Wooyoung.

It has received awards at various TV ceremonies and will soon open as a musical in Japan.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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