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"My Husband Got a Family" rules weekly TV ratings chart

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분 18초

"My Husband Got a Family" rules weekly TV ratings chart Photos of KBS' "My Husband Got a Family"(top), KBS' "My One and Only"(bottom left) and MBC's "Light and Shadow"(bottom right) [KBS, MBC]

KBS weekend series “My Husband Got a Family” has scored its seventh straight win on the weekly TV ratings chart.

Despite the continuous ratings dip,“My Husband Got a Family” easily topped the chart last week with an average rating of 31.8 percent, according to data compiled by TNmS (Total National Multimedia Statistics).

Following a drop of 3.6 percentage points from the week before, the drama dropped another 2.3 percentage points between April 30 and May 6.

KBS daily series “My One and Only” also maintained its position in second place during the same period, after drawing in 24 percent of the total viewers.

In the meantime, MBC's “Light and Shadow” came in third place with 21.3 percent of audience tuning in last week.

KBS’ popular comedy program “Gag Concert” sat at No. 4 and the 9 o’clock news on the same broadcaster rounded out the top five.

Other TV shows within the top ten include SBS’ “My Daughter the Flower,” MBC’s “Supper of the Gods,” SBS variety show “I like Sundays,” KBS’ “Love in Asia” and KBS’ “Man From the Equator.”

Meanwhile, AGB Nielson Media Research's data showed that "My Husband" grabbed the top seed with 29.9 percent rating, followed by "Light and Shadow" placing in second with 21.9 percent.

"My One and Only" took the third spot on AGB with ratings of 21.5 percent, while "Gag Concert" and "Supper of the Gods" went neck-on-neck with ratings of 20 and 19.1 percent to take the No. 4 and No. 5 spot, respectively.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Monica Suk monicasuk@
10 아시아 Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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