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Hamasaki Ayumi to release new album in Korea

시계아이콘읽는 시간49초

Hamasaki Ayumi to release new album in Korea Cover of Hamaski Ayumi's 12th album "Love songs" [SM Entertainment]

Japanese songstress Hamasaki Ayumi's 12th studio release will be available in Korea starting today, according to SM Entertainment on Wednesday.

Her latest album titled "Love songs," which also includes a DVD, carries a total of 16 tracks featuring her hit songs "MOON," "Virgin Road" and "Love Song" and five new tunes, while the DVD holds eight music videos as well the new video for "do it again" and behind-the-scenes footage.

The record, which came out in Japan last month, sold over 18,000 copies on the day of its release and claimed the No. 1 spot on the prestigious Oricon weekly charts as well.

Hamasaki Ayumi pursued a singing career at the early age of 14 and trained under Max Matsuura, renowned music producer and CEO of major record label Avex Group.

She has sold over 50 million records since releasing her debut album in 1999 titled "A Song for XX" and earned the nickname "Empress of Pop" with her popularity and cultural influence throughout Asia.

She recently caused a stir after announcing plans to marry Austrian actor Manuel Schwarz.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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