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"Master of Study" creator compliments Korean TV series

Japanese comic artist Mita Norifusa praised KBS' TV adaptation of his "Master of Study" series during his recent visit to Korea.

The artist explained during a press conference, held Thursday at Seoul's Palace Hotel, that he watches the Korean drama of the same name in Tokyo on a real-time basis through Internet broadcast.

"It is energetic and entertaining," the artist was quoted as saying of the show. "The characters have depth. I am satisfied."

Norifusa picked main character Kim Soo-ro as his favorite cast member, adding that he is doing a good job of leading the show by playing the "the most attractive character from the original series".

"Study" is a story about a determined lawyer (played by Kim Soo-ro) who offers to teach five rebellious students and get them accepted into the country's top college. The drama also stars some of the best young actors in Korea including Yoo Seung-ho, Lee Hyun-woo and Go Ah-sung.

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon lhsro@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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