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[INTERVIEW] "Idol Show" producer and writer - Part 1

Interview with producer Lee Yoon-hwa and writer Kim Hyun-kyung

Members of South Korea's top idol groups, the main stars of cable channel MBCevery1's reality program "Idol Show", are neither treated well nor presented well on the show. Rather, they throw their pride out the window to become a couple with a female guest and do not hesitate to look ridiculous in order to win a game. Unlike variety shows on public networks which tend to idol groups with decent manners yet do not hand the show to them entirely, "Idol Show" allows idol groups to use the program as their playground, providing the young singers with the slightly harsh opportunity to unleash their talents as best as they can. And as a result of that, the seventh episode of season 3 of the show recorded the highest ratings the channel has ever seen. 10Asia met with producer Lee Yoon-hwa and writer Kim Hyun-kyung to hear the secrets to their success.

10: A lot of people are saying "Idol Show" has become much more fun into its third season. How were the ratings this week?
Kim Hyun-kyung (Kim): They were better than the previous episode's. Don't I look like I'm in a good mood right now? (laugh)
Lee Yoon-hwa (Lee): Our bureau chief asked who the guest was for the show because the ratings came out so well. But there was no guest this week. (laugh)

10: And they're saying the captions which appear on the screen in particular are fun.
Lee: Really? They haven't changed much in terms of content compared to the first season. What we did improve on though was the font and design. You can't help noticing the captions better since they stand out more.
Kim: I didn't know slang words younger people use these days while we were shooting the first season of the show. I used to write the captions in proper Korean and even if I stray, it would be by a slight amount but these days, I ask our youngest scriptwriter and I try to mix in new terms by looking them up on the Internet. We have to differentiate ourselves from the more solemn public networks. I've been hearing that I shouldn't attempt at creating captions at all when I pass thirty. (laugh)

10: The title of the show is self-explanatory. Is there a reason you chose to come up with a program revolving around idol groups?
Lee: I had been the producer for TV personality Park Kyung-rim's show which aired before this one. While trying to come up with a plan for my next show, I thought that I would like to maintain the concept of bringing guests on the show and upon meeting the writer, we thought of going with idol groups.
Kim: Korea's music industry revolves around idol groups so I thought I would like to make a reality-variety show with them. We weren't trying to join in the trend where everyone is trying to create a reality-variety show. I chose it because I thought it would help to effectively discover the actual appeal these idol groups have. They're usually much more passive.
Lee: We had actually wanted to pick a member from each idol group for the show but it's realistically difficult to mix up artists from more than two major agencies on cable channels. Everyone has their own schedules. That is why different from our original plan, we ended up casting Super Junior Happy for Season 1 and FT Island for Season 2.

10: Then why did you choose 2PM for the third season?
Lee: In reality, an idol group member who messes up on his choreography or singing are usually picked on. But it was different with 2PM. I once saw Jae-beom appear on TV and mess up while introducing himself but the other members laughed at him rather than glaring at him. I noticed that they're still free-spirited, the members all care for each other.
Kim: They haven't succumbed to the logic of organizations. (laugh) Idols usually show the side to them that they have prepared for as a member of their group. I don't think that's bad but there's refreshing vibe to 2PM -- as if I've newly met them in the streets.

10: TV personality Boom plays a substantial role on the show too.
Kim: The concept for the third season of the show is to try and help newcomers 2PM adjust to entertainment shows. For this, it will be important that they take turns to see what roles they can take on in variety shows by taking turns at hosting but it is also important to have one certain figure with exceptional emceeing skills. That person will be the one who creates the point where viewers can watch the show with ease.

Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Lee Ji-Hye seven@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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