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Bae Yong-joon lends voice in UN camapign

Hallyu star Bae Yong-joon has lent his voice in a United Nations campaign for climate change, according to his agency on Wednesday.

The actor, known for his interest in environmental issues, was asked by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) committee to record the narration for the "Seal the Deal" promotion video, BOF Korea announced in a press release.

"Seal the Deal" aims to raise public awareness of global climate change and green growth prior to the upcoming Climate Change Conference, which will be held in Copenhagen on December 7 thru 18.

In the promotional video, the actor strongly voices the importance of climate change agreement among countries. The official website will feature personal messages from notable figures such as supermodel Gisele Bundchen, actor Don Cheadle and UN's Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

"We expect that having Asian star Bae Yong-joon participate in the campaign will deliver the message to more people," an official at UNEP was quoted as saying.

The Hallyu star has made many donations in the recent past to earthquake, flood and tsunami victims in various regions of Asia. He also shot an environment-themed photo spread last May and delivered the funds raised from the shoot to the UNEP committee in Korea to be used for Asia's water pollution and purification projects.

The "Seal the Deal" campaign video featuring Bae will be released today on Naver's Happy Bean. The public can participate in the global campaign through its website (www.sealthedeal2009.org).

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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