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Police obtain CCTV of Kang-in assault case

Police on Thursday said they have secured closed circuit television footage of the assault case in which boy band Super Junior member Kang-in was involved in the previous day.

Gangnam Police Station will use the video as key evidence in identifying the course of events of the brawl which took place Wednesday at a bar between Kang-in, his friend and two other customers.

Police booked 24-year-old Kang-in and three others for assault later in the day after the incident took place, but have yet to confirm whether the idol group singer actually carried out violence.

A customer engaged in the scuffle said he had been hit by Kang-in but the singer has denied being violent.

According to police, the assault took place around 3:30 a.m. at a bar where Kang-in was drinking with a 35-year-old businessman, identified only by his last name Roh.

They had started quarreling with two other men, who mistakenly took to Kang-in's table thinking it was theirs, when a passer-by, identified by his last name Park, took Kang-in's side and started hitting them.

Kang-in, a vocal of the 13-member group which debuted in 2005, has made frequent appearances on TV shows. The band was a huge hit across Asia with single "Sorry Sorry" earlier this year.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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