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CNBLUE to have 1st fan meeting in Seoul next month

시계아이콘읽는 시간1분

CNBLUE to have 1st fan meeting in Seoul next month CNBLUE [FNC Entertainment]

Four-member rock band CNBLUE will hold their long-awaited first fan meeting in Seoul next month, according to their agency FNC Entertainment on Thursday.

A rep with FNC told 10Asia over the phone that CNBLUE will finally meet with BOICEs [official name of CNBLUE's fans] in Seoul at Yonsei University on May 5.

"We are still working out the final details though it will include a question and answer session, a number of performances as well as special events," the official explained, adding that the members have high expectations for their first local fan meeting.

Having released two singles in Japan before making their official debut in Korea, CNBLUE has a strong fan base in Japan, Korea and in the neighboring Asian countries with their string of hit songs including "Alone," "Love," "Love Light," "Intuition" and recently "Hey You."

At the moment, CNBLUE is currently focusing on their individual activities with members Lee Jong-hyun and Kang Min-hyuk appearing in TV series, Jung Yong-hwa preparing for the group's upcoming album and Lee Jung-shin taking acting classes.

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10 아시아 Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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