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BEAST meets with 5,000 'beauties' over the weekend

시계아이콘읽는 시간01분 53초

BEAST meets with 5,000 'beauties' over the weekend

BEAST meets with 5,000 'beauties' over the weekend Korean boy band BEAST at their fan meeting "B2UTY and BEAST" held at the Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea University in Seoul, South Korea on April 2, 2011. [Cube Entertainment]

Korean boy band BEAST held their first official fan meeting with their fan club “B2UTY” over the weekend, attracting over 5,000 local and international fans for the inauguration celebration.

The event, held at the Hwajeong Gymnasium located in Korea University in Seoul on April 2, kicked off with a powerful performance by the boys opening the festivities with their hit song “SHOCK” followed by each member greeting their fans.

“We first want to apologize to our B2UTIES for the long-awaited fan meeting,” Gi-kwang said, while Jun-hyung explained to the crowd that BEAST would not be standing in front of them right now without the support from their fans.

The meet-and-greet continued with a small celebration of member Gi-kwang’s birthday, which was March 31, with the fans singing the birthday song to the idol star, while he made a wish saying, “This is a birthday that I will never forget and I hope we can have more events like this with our B2UTIES.”

The “B2UTY and BEAST” fan meeting was followed by a question and answer session, where the boys were asked various questions from fans.

When asked how each member would respond after receiving a text message from their girlfriends saying “I miss you,” the boys caused an uproar of screams from fans with their responses such as “I miss you more,” “Turn around” and “Wait right there I’ll be there soon.”

BEAST then took the stage once again for songs “Soom” and “Special” followed by a video message from fellow artists G.NA, ZE:A, IU, 2AM member Jo Kwon, CNBLUE, INFINITE and TVXQ wishing their best to BEAST and the B2UTIES.

The event continued with several games where the boys interacted with fans followed by the group thanking their fans for coming to the event as well as showing their support in their activities.

“We want to thank all the fans for always being there for us and we hope to see you again very soon,” member Dong-woon said and Yo-seop hinted at a comeback to the local music scene saying, “Don’t worry because we will see each other again very soon!”

The two-hour long fan meeting ended with the song “I Like You Best” and the boys returned to the stage with an encore performance of songs “Oasis,” “V.I.U” and “BEAUTIFUL.”

BEAST, composed of other members Du-jun and Hyun-seung, made their debut in October 2009 with their first mini-album “"BEAST IS THE B2ST" and has since produced hit songs such as “Bad Girl,” “Shock,” “Easy” And “Soom.”

They recently placed second on Japan's Oricon weekly chart with their single "SHOCK," the highest rank for a non-Japanese Asian artist to reach on the chart with their debut single.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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